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Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover (SPOILER FREE)

A word/sound that would perfectly describe Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover would have to be REOWWWWWWW!!! This book had multiple sexy scenes which made me blush many times especially when I was reading it on a packed train to university. For those of you who are under eighteen I feel it is appropriate for me to warn you towards this novel having mature content. If I was you I would wait till you are a bit older to read this book.

Ugly Love is about two main characters: Miles, a pilot, and Tate, a nurse. As you read this book you will discover how Hoover has separated this book into two sections: The Past and The Present. The Past involves Miles and a girl named Rachel while the Present involves Miles and Tate. I enjoyed coming back and forth between these two sections as the more you read, the more you discover how they interweave with each other.



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I rated this book 4/5 stars as I was kind of hoping Hoover would take this story down a different path yet despite that it was an enjoyable read and had me on the edge of my seat.

If you’d like to hear my full review involving spoilers feel free to click this link for my book talk >> Ugly Love Book Talk

What did you think of this book? Was it too raunchy for you?

For now, I hope you are enjoying your day and are indulging yourself in the addiction that is books. Devour. Devour. Devour.

Sidney xx

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